Unique innovations

PST design

We design and implement comprehensive space solutions that combine individual décor with easy-to-use audio visual systems. We act swiftly and decisively in a customer-oriented manner and regardless of equipment manufacturers - the end result is a space that makes an impact.


Fully customized solutions

Audiovisual design is needed in places where image and / or sound are used for communication, presentation, teaching or decision making.

Although our activities are always related to light and sound in one way or another, it is not left to audiovisuality. Just as PST is more than the sum of its parts, our solutions always start with the needs of the customer, but create something more than just space.

Our agility and independence enable a more customer-oriented and flexible service for large players.

We love items that haven’t been solved yet. We are at our best in situations where something is considered impossible to accomplish.

Operations become more efficient and time is saved

Our services cover everything from design and consulting of space solutions to procurement and installation, as well as maintenance and training. In addition, we implement virtual networks in which, for example, the data transmission of cash registers, AV, remote access and surveillance camera networks takes place via a single physical cable.

We strive for solutions that are as easy to use and appropriate as possible, where, for example, unnecessary remote controls can be eliminated. This improves the comfort and well-being of space solutions.



Aloita pääsiäisen vietto skimbaamalla uusille nettisivuillemme www.pstdesign.fi 😎

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